Experimental Technologies

Farewell to Jamboard

The search for something new

I remember the time and place when I heard that Google announced it was retiring my beloved Jamboard. Memories of early Covid remote instruction flooded my mind and how I literally survived my first year of online instruction using Jamboard. Yes, there are many limitations to Jamboard including lack of hyperlinks and limited number of pages; however, it’s instant graph paper background option made it a very easy “go-to” for online math problems, online “scratch paper”, or a quick and easy collaborative document for discussions. I have been receiving “reminders to download” for months now and while I have hundreds of Jamboards, I just don’t think I have the energy to download them. What purpose will they serve? Maybe it’s best to just start with something new… BUT, before we begin, let’s take a look at the Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) and how it was used to evaluate my search for a Jamboard replacement.


Technology Integration Matrix

The Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) is a framework to help educators enhance blended learning with technology. The five key characteristics in the matrix are: active, collaborative, constructive, authentic, and goal-directed. These five characteristics align with five stages of tech integration: entry, adoption, adaptation, infusion, and transformation.

Florida Center for Instructional Technology (n.d.). Technology Integration Matrix. Retrieved from https://fcit.usf.edu/matrix/resources/tim-graphics/

Experimenting with Microsoft’s Whiteboard

While Jamboard is an excellent collaborative tool, it does have its limitations and for their own reasons, Google has decided to discontinue this tool in the Google Suite. One thing I loved about Jamboard was that it was approved by my school system making it an easy “go-to” tool for my students. One struggle that I have as an online educator is finding programs that meet our school’s privacy standards and tools that have been vetted and approved for me to use in my classrooms.

So, now that Jamboard will be no more, I am on the search for something new and the best “replacement” or “alternative” that I could find for Jamboard is Microsoft’s Whiteboard. This is my experimental technology and the focus of this blog post.

Highlights of Whiteboard

Below are a few highlights of Microsoft’s Whiteboard and how it compares to Google’s Jamboard.


Infinite Space

Unlike Jamboard’s limit to 20 pages, Whitespace provides a scroll-based canvas.


Changes in Real Time

Like Jamboard, Whiteboard provides real-time edits and shows changes in the document instantly.


Working Together

Like Jamboard, Whiteboard provides opportunities for students to discuss and collaborate on projects.


Creative Possibilities

Unlike Jamboard which was limited in tools, Whiteboard offers a variety of tools such as shapes, images, writing and erasing and more


Authentic Experience

Unlike Jamboard’s slide by slide format, Whiteboard replicates the experience of a physical classroom whiteboard.


Plenty of Resources

Unlike Jamboard, Whiteboard provides access to a variety of templates and graphic organizer embedded into the board!

How does Whiteboard Measure Up?

This image shows the rating that I feel Whiteboard falls within the Technology Integration Matrix upon first use. My ratings are noted by the lime-green squares and describe in further below the image. Keep in mind, I am definitely at the “experimental” stages of using this tool, so this is based on my initial use of the tool.

Active Adaptation

I feel that Whiteboard provides opportunities for active learning and adaptation due to the real-time and engaging creative content creation ability.

Collaborative Transformation

Given that Microsoft is more widely used, there is potential for any project to easily become collaborative among community members.

Constructive Adaptation

Whiteboard as an infinite canvas, so students can really Adapt the space to meet their needs. Students also have choice in how they create and lay out their Whiteboard.

Authentic Adoption

Whiteboard HAS THE POTENTIAL to float between Authentic Adoption and Authentic Adaptation depending on how the tool is used and presented by the instructor. Student can use a teacher created Whiteboard to take notes or complete a graphic organizer or they can create presentations and organizers while the teacher facilitates.

Goal-Directed Adaptation

Whiteboard has the ability to provide a variety of levels of Goal-Directed Learning depending on how the instructor presents the tool and allows the students to apply it to any given situation. Whiteboard could be used in assessments, projects, on-going portfolios, and student feedback.

Classroom Applications

Microsoft provides a GREAT resource for teachers including a nice “Whiteboard Cheat Sheet” for getting started with the tool. I found this extremely beneficial as I have been experimenting with Whiteboard. Click the image above to download this helpful PDF.

Here are some ways that Whiteboard can be used in education:

  • Graphic Organizers GALORE for individual use AND collaborative groups! (CONSTRUCTIVE ADAPTATION)
  • Embed videos or images into Whiteboard for easy note-taking and reflections!
  • Use for brainstorming ideas or quick discussion posts. (AUTHENTIC ADAPTATION)
  • Create one-to-one whiteboards for individual student projects, feedback, goal setting, or assessments. (GOAL-DIRECTED ADAPTATION)
  • Work collaboratively with colleagues using Whiteboard to lesson plan, share ideas, and problem solve! (COLLABORATIVE TRANSFORMATION)


While there are so many amazing things about Whiteboard, there are a few limitations that I should mention. A few of these have definitely affected me in the learning stages of using this tool and can see them becoming a potential barrier to everyday usage.

Desktop App Preferred

The web-based version of Whiteboard has fewer features compared to the desktop app, so going through the App may be the prefered method of use

User Interface Learning Curve

Some users (like myself) may find the interface a little difficult and not very user friendly, requiring time to learn and adapt to the tool effectively.

Collaboration Limits

While Whiteboard supports real-time collaboration, multiple users editing all at once can sometimes lead to confusion or cluttered boards if not managed well.

Closing Remarks

Yes, I am mourning the loss of Jamboard but am excited to learn the ins and outs of Microsoft’s Whiteboard. While the school year is coming to a close, I do foresee the potential for this program in my classrooms and a welcomed change from Jamboard. The other great thing about this tool is that it is an APPROVED tool through my school system and students can access Whiteboard through their school Microsoft accounts which is a HUGE PLUS for me!

Below are a list of resources that I would like to share to help with getting started on Whiteboard or getting familiar with the Technology Integration Matrix!

Microsoft Tips and Tricks

Video Overview of Microsoft Whiteboard Upgrades!

Whiteboard for Educators

Florida’s Technology Integration Matrix

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