• Welcome to my blog for Summer Session ISTC 731 at Towson University!

    Welcome to my blog for Summer Session ISTC 731 at Towson University!

    I am no stranger to blogging. I have had a WordPress account 10 years. I have managed a wedding photography website/blog (in the past), and a music website/blog: These Subtle Sounds as well as a travel website/blog: My World at Large that are currently active. I enjoy working on the blogs in my free time!…

  • Module 3 Reflection

    Module 3 Reflection

    How do you move from “standardized” to “personalized” learning opportunities for your students and staff? One of the things I enjoyed most about our last class was the practice at making online learning modules and how they focused on responsive instruction tailored to the needs of the learner. I feel that as a teacher, I…

  • Module 2 Reflection

    Module 2 Reflection

    What is your philosophy regarding the role of technology in your teaching? How is that reflected in what you and your students do with technology in your classroom? I have had the pleasure of working with technology in my classroom since around 2011. During the 2007-2014 timeframe, I worked in a Title 1 school where…

  • Module 1 Reflection

    Module 1 Reflection

    If you were to start a school from scratch, what would it look like? When responding to this consider Papert’s readings and discuss how he guided your ideas or how they are different/similar? What do you see as similarities or differences between Paperts’s ideas and Prensky’s or Jonassen’s?   To give a little background before responding, prior to becoming an educator,…