Module 5 Reflection

What do you feel was the most impactful learning experience for you in this course?

There were a few things that I really enjoyed about this course. I enjoyed working on the blog and think it’s a creative way to lay out assignments. I also enjoyed working on the Agent of Change assignment with Todd Miceli as we work really well together and are both new to our roles as Department Chairs (science and math), so that assignment gave us an opportunity to plan a professional development together that we can actually use this upcoming school year.

I also really enjoyed the Maker Project and how it forced me to think outside of the box and adapt the design steps to a project that is very applicable to my life right now. My husband and I actually enjoyed working on that together and I found it very beneficial to reflect on areas of struggle so I can better support my students.

One thing I missed in this course was the active discussions that I had with my peers in the class. In our previous class, we did a lot of sharing, responding, and discussing in regards to each other’s work. I did enjoy reading and looking through everyone’s blogs but missed the discussion board interactions that we get through Blackboard. Not everyone had comments turned on in their blogs and it was a little bit of a pain clicking through everyone’s blogs. Blackboard is designed to make collaboration and discussion easy and the blog just added a barrier to class discussions. I like the blog, but did miss just being able to log into Blackboard and see everyone’s posts in the discussion board.